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Verify Precision Linear Calibration with

Renishaw's Laser Interferometer

Accurate to 1.0 parts per million
or one millionth of an inch per inch

Measurements are well beyond the 10 to 1 ratio required for proper
calibration and are traceable to NIST and/or International Standards.

Ensure Optimal Machine Condition With

Renishaw's QC20-W Ballbar

A ballbar is the quickest, easiest, and most effective way to monitor Machine condition.

Eliminate Errors From Machine Axis With

Mahr-Federal's Electronic Level

Using an electronic level allows us to quickly determine if your machine has any pitch or roll errors.

Determine Rotary Axis Accuracy With

Renishaw's Rotary Calibration System

Rotary Axis are becoming increasingly common on machine tools, and can negatively affect a machine's overall accuracy without proper installation and calibration maintenance.

Flatness Measurement - Moody Plot

Ensure Consistency

With an Expertly Leveled Surface Plate

Every shop has a surface plate and the accuracy of the parts created can change drastically as the surface plate gets worn down.


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