When it comes to error tolerance, every decimal of accuracy matters. Sarkinen Calibrating is built on a passion for pushing accuracy to to it's best potential to minimize the need for adjustment and correction during production.

Having your machines calibrated and certified regularly can give you an edge over your competition. Calibration graphs and regular performance evaluations offer proof to your customers that your machines can deliver as promised, every time.


Larry started as a machine operator before building a calibration service, so for him, it has always been more than just equipment maintenance. It's about looking at your machining operation and providing solutions that will increase production quality and efficiency.

Do you have new equipment? Make laser calibration part of your acceptance criteria. Verify that new machines meet promised specifications while still under warranty. New machines often require adjustment following shipping and installation. Identify errors and damage before they become your problem.


Imagine a world without unexpected downtime. That's the ultimate goal of Sarkinen Calibrating. Whether it is the time spent adjusting and correcting or even full machine failure, the goal is to eliminate surprises. By scheduling the maintenance and keeping the equipment optimized for your production facility, we're able to ensure a highly predictable operation with minimal disruption.


What Customers are saying:

As plant manager at Triad, I am always looking for ways of testing and measuring the condition of our large machines. Our outside repair tech suggested that I have Sarkinen Calibrating run their Ball Bar Test on all of our machines to show if we had any critical wear issues given that two of our large CNC routers were almost 20 years old.

Larry from Sarkinen Calibrating came out and spent the day testing three of our machines. I was very happy with what he was able to show me. All three machines are in great shape, which not only validates our service practices but also helps me plan for the future of these machines.

I believe there is great value in Larry’s service and I look forward to having him assist us at Triad Speakers in the future.

Mike Mills

Facilities Manager, Triad Speakers Inc

Sarkinen Calibration in the Media:


We offer our tool and calibration services with faster response times than out of area providers. Our goal is to provide the best customer service possible.

We are keeping Portland OR and SW Washington equipment output accurate and downtime to a minimum.

Out of the area — we can help you, too.


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